It is for me a great honour to be able to make this breef but well documented report about my personal experienced obtained here, at the U.E. "Ramon Vivas Gomez" state school. From February to June, 2010.
The Field work begins with the entrance into the classroom, in which most of the students presented a slight lack of attention, which progressively was evolving positively until they get a full, dynamic attention to the point they started developing, performing and taking part in all the activities appointed.It's necessary to punctualize that at the begining, the objectives were not acomplished 100%, it is with the progress of the activities we achieve the goals. Children, at the beginning reacted in an apathetic, distracted, scattered manner, but, according to my personal experience they started
involving in the activities, little by litle to the point they became affectionate and requested me to stay for the following school year. They even wanted me to give
them class.
It is so rewarding to achieve such important goals, specially, concerning the children's education, this experience was only based in infusing them values, the same our society has lost nowadays. I am so pleased to to watch their improvement and keep the satisfaction that I have taught them well, according to their level.
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