martes, 6 de julio de 2010

Communicative Language Learning

This method has other influences. That is why some strategies applied have certain similarities. Of course, the important thing is to have communication, it never be interrupted (inside or outside the classroom,) for this reason, the student has the power to manipulate the communication or (private) dialogue proposed because the idea is gett ing to know the student with the language. The teacher must be careful when he choose a strategy. For example, he can choose among:
1) Private Encourage Dialogue among Students
2) Established an immersion environment of instruction
3) Retention by Instructional Aid songs.
      Everything depends on which strategy is more appropriate with the student.

      Choosing the strategy is not easy. The teacher must know how to diagnose; the problem was presented by our classmates. We realized that presentation of this subject was easy to them but the execution of it was so hard.

      The explanations of the strategies referred to this method are HERE

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