jueves, 1 de julio de 2010

The Audio Lingua Method

The Audio Lingua Method is used by some professors around the world. Where the target is always to introduce a dialog (the first step at the beginning of the class) to acquire new vocabulary, to distinguish the different pronouns and how the students can use them with verb to be, to make questions, and finally they are able to build a perfect grammar sentence without the use of their native language.

Honestly, the method is not boring at all, but neither is easy because the professor and the students need to concentrate and put an effort together. The hardest part fot the teacher is... that he must create various activities to transmit the basic knowledge to the student, putting to the test the four skills simultainiously (Speaking, Listening, Reading, and writing). In that sense, the student can learn and they can answer automatically without stopping to think in their native language because this is one of the bad habits that the learners have to overcome.

Finally, the psychology is a big part in this method because those who teach need to be patience, they have to allow or learn that some of their students make mistakes, and they will have to correct it and congratulate them as many times as possible because it helps to develop correct habits. For this reason, the professor must show confidence and all of this can occur when they always know what happened, what’s happening, and what will happen.
This is a sample of Audio Lingual Method

Please click HERE to find out more

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