viernes, 9 de julio de 2010

Teaching experience at Ricitos de Oro

Before starting, it is necessary to note that the affection, love, children’s respect is gratifying and encouraging, since, on several occasions there was despair and confusion in the implementation of the plans but the persistence, support and guidance of the teachers who helped us to find some solutions to barrier objects were different every time about the practices and learning project.

Throughout the implementation of the practices we understood that we played a teacher profile feature (being perceptive) to conclude that some activities were necessary to repeat them in most cases to see that children did not enjoy more than using their imagination with pictures and colors, although they studied in a closed space which they should stand through the day.

With the above, we are identified with the new school by the constant adjustment and management of our planning, deducing that the flexibility and rectification of their teachers are teaching characteristics.

Say hello to our pupils :)

England presentation

This event was important to me, we were able to plan a class for my partners about English Culture (England) they learned as much as us. We enjoyed a lot. We made this class in two days. In fact the class finished with a game, our “who wants to be millionaire?” version.

Finally, the closure was English music presentation. It means Editson and William played 7 songs while the classmates were eating. Of course they sang with us too. We had a really good time

Next video is a sample that we did in order to simulate a England Public house (We are not guitarrist, we did it for academic purposes)

If you want to learn about British culture, please click HERE and HERE

jueves, 8 de julio de 2010

Working experience

It is for me a great honour to be able to make this breef but well documented report about my personal experienced obtained here, at the U.E. "Ramon Vivas Gomez" state school. From February to June, 2010.

The Field work begins with the entrance into the classroom, in which most of the students presented a slight lack of attention, which progressively was evolving positively until they get a full, dynamic attention to the point they started developing, performing and taking part in all the activities appointed.It's necessary to punctualize that at the begining, the objectives were not acomplished 100%, it is with the progress of the activities we achieve the goals. Children, at the beginning reacted in an apathetic, distracted, scattered manner, but, according to my personal experience they started
involving in the activities, little by litle to the point they became affectionate and requested me to stay for the following school year. They even wanted me to give
them class.

It is so rewarding to achieve such important goals, specially, concerning the children's education, this experience was only based in infusing them values, the same our society has lost nowadays. I am so pleased to to watch their improvement and keep the satisfaction that I have taught them well, according to their level.

martes, 6 de julio de 2010

The PPP Approach

Here there is something similar with the content based, task based and participatory approaches. It is that PPP is divided in three phases.
The most interesting thing is realistic situation are planted in the classroom. At the moment that our partners did it, they showed a lot of resources, like pictures, images and so on. Later they asked us to build the meaning of the key words. Also, the team (of this method) was focus in our participations because the wanted to correct us if we made mistakes just like the theory says. Later, they asked us to make a conversation with someone in the class. Their idea was practice the dialogue familiarity. Of course, the team always was careful in order to correct us again. Finally, they let us to make the final step, It means we were free to interact to everybody, the team were not correct us unless if we asked them. They did a good job.


This is a kind of images that the group showed us (This picture was taken by Diana Carolina)

English Raven (s/f) "The PPP Approach to Communicative Language Teaching"

Ascendent up method

This method is quite similar to the teaching strategies, "teaching through the film". It means the learning is through a video; the difference is that you can use songs too. So, the four skills are used constantly. For example, when the activity is applied, the teacher asks to the students writing their reactions first. After that, they can share their ideas to whole the class. In our point of view, the activity requires a lot of patience and dedication. Also, the ascendant up, method should be apply to students with intermediate or advanced language skills, just like the group applied in the classroom.

here, the teachers are introducing a song.